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Tag: Montrealbusinessconsulting
Free Money Available for your Canadian SME 2023
Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) anywhere in Canadian business? We can help. KP TAX is familiar with many grants and loans available for your business depending on your specific circumstances and goals. Make sure to contact us for an assessment at so we can help you navigate through the hundreds…
Qu’est-ce qu’un CRM? et pourquoi est-ce utile?
Un CRM (gestion de la relation client) est un système logiciel qui gère les relations avec les clients ou clients potentiels, il provient de l’anglais « Customer Relationship Management ». C’est quoi un logiciel CRM? Un CRM permet à une entreprise de numériser et automatiser les contacts et interactions avec ses clients avec une base…
What is a CRM? and why is it useful?
Simply put, a CRM (customer relationship management) is a software that manages relationships with customers or potential customers. What is a CRM software? A CRM allows a company (or even a self-employed individual) to digitize and automate contacts and interactions with its customer. It connects with an interactive database with portals for…